Herbal Medicine In Chinese Medicine, herbal formulas are used to facilitate the body's own restorative processes. Acupuncturists in California are highly trained in the science of herbal medicine and a pharmacopoeia that consists of about 500 Chinese herbs. Chinese herbal formulas contain combinations of roots, seeds, grains, flowers, berries, fruit, bark, leaves, stems, shells, nuts, resin, or seaweed. The goal of Chinese herbal medicine is to treat the root of a problem, rather than simply medicating its symptoms. In so doing, the patient’s body is stimulated to heal itself. If appropriate a personalized formula will be made for you.
Herbal Medicine/ Supplement therapy These personally created formulas alleviative the symptoms and can treat the root of many disease processes. Herbal formulas also help us move through common colds, boost our immunity, and harmonize with in today’s fast pace, giving us the extra support that we sometimes need. I also work with varying supplements, enzymes, and mycology as medicine (mushrooms).
Herbal Medicine/ Supplement therapy These personally created formulas alleviative the symptoms and can treat the root of many disease processes. Herbal formulas also help us move through common colds, boost our immunity, and harmonize with in today’s fast pace, giving us the extra support that we sometimes need. I also work with varying supplements, enzymes, and mycology as medicine (mushrooms).