It is with great honor and inspiration that I write you at this time of year to share an exciting new offering. Truly I am honored to offer this level of work, to be a guide in this way. What I'm about to invite you to enter into is a powerful way to close out the year. Allowing you to start the new year fresh, clear and ready for new beginnings.
It has been such an intense time for so many of us, wow!
For me personally, yes, it's been intense. There has been a real turning to the inside that has lead me to return to the mountain top, and carve out very important time to be with Nature. To see my own inner nature. With the clearing out of the old, the new is starting to come in.
· Have you been feeling disconnected, depleted, possibly even exhausted?
· Are you unable to hear the deeper whispering of your soul?
· Are you feeling lost and overwhelmed, frustrated, angry?
· Is there deep emotional pain that you are awakening to?
· Do you feel confusion, foggy headed, unclear?
· Are your relationships suffering during this intensity?
I truly honor all of these possibilities, and commend you for owning this part of yourself and your journey. I also have an offer that will help shift these energies.
On this powerful ride of Transformation I have found Mother Nature to be my greatest Healer and Guide. The whispers of the wind, the grounding of the earth, the messages from hawks, the beautiful wise trees, the ancient stones, the little birds, snakes and even the insects are quite powerful, and meaningful. To take the time to create purposeful Intention and Tune In the the elemental forces is....... well, its beyond words.
I want to offer you this peace. Clarity, New inspiration, Joy, Connection and more ENERGY for everything in your life, is right around the corner for you. It is right here inside you.
Do you wish to root into your inner guidance and to know and use that Voice more and more?
Would you like to start the New Year with Clarity, Vibrancy, and Connection?
Do you want to feel supported from the deepest level of your being?
Come get Rooted, and Reconnect with your Highest Self In this modern world of constant communication through cell phone, emails, face book, twitter, travel, the never ending laundry list of to do's; it is very easy to forget about our greatest resource, the Earth. Taking the time to center, ground and connect is an overlooked, and can be forgotten, yet deeply important experience.
I would be honored to be your Guide along side Mother Nature to support you on this path if you feel a pull and call in your heart.
This Full 1 Day Intensive Includes
Deep and nourishing/ clearing 2 hour healing session
Personal Ayni~Right Relationship Ceremony (despacho ceremony)
Visioning and connection time with Mother Earth
Vibrant organic home made foods prepared just for your personal needs *this all day intensive includes a 1 hour phone or skype session with me to prepare for our work, as well as follow up call to support the unfolding.
Your investment $500, as truly this is an investment in to You, for your Highest. Payment plans are available, as well as scholarships offered by inquiry.
Please note that there are only 4 spaces remaining for this deep work. If this work resonates deeply for you please email [email protected] or call me at 213.925.2026 as soon as possible to get the application process started.
Available Dates for the Intensive December 8th, 10th, 15th, 18th
"Working with Dana as a guide into my deepest work has been nourishing, powerful, yet gentle and filled with so much love, a lightness, and a wisdom that seem to channel through her. I was skyptical to this kind of work, energy medicine, but the experience speaks for itself. I am learning to trust myself through this work. " - R. S Los Angeles