Through an in-depth intake of elemental affinity, astrological information, one's state of their psyche, one's physical attributes, temperament and tendencies; a personalized formula will be created just for you.
Through this evaluation, an essential oil point prescription will be created for your daily application. These formulas will be created using the essence of mother natures plant kingdom - Therapeutic Essential Oils. Additionally at times, Chinese herb essential oils will be used, as well as Absolutes - depending on the pathology being cleared or attribute being strengthened.
These formulas are designed for either clearing and re-establishing, or strengthening and supporting. The first is to support one through the great effort of changing a lifetime pattern that has taken hold, that one has identified through their own inner process. During the initial intake, we can also investigate what is ready to be worked with if one is not aware of such a life long pattern. This prescription can be used for 1- 6 months depending on the individual efforts, or the intensity of the pathology, pattern, or tendency. The second way these formulas can be used is to affirm, or support a certain attribute, strength, or direction one is headed on their healing journey. This helps to solidify, strengthen the will, the fortitude, that one is already in a relationship with, or just beginning to taste.
The essential oil formula/blend will come with an instructed protocol to follow for daily application of acupuncture points connected to the heavens and earth for balancing according to one's elemental presentation and evaluation.
Understanding Essential Oils through Chinese Medicine
Essential oils are the Jing, the very essence of the plants, therefore they have the potent abilities to resonate very powerfully with a human body’s system. The Chinese word for essential oil is Jing (essence) You (oil). Through the vision of Chinese Medicine, the Jing within us is essence which is a very precious substance that should be protected, preserved, and some even suggest cultivated. Often within herbal medicine we will often use like to treat like, so here we have a brilliant symbiotic relationship that has long been established.
Oils are innate within plants the same way that blood is innate within the human being. In their essential oil form, highly potent elements become accessible to us that in other plant preparations have been destroyed, or mitigated. Essential oils can be miraculous in their powers to stimulate, support, and facilitate healing to potentiate change in a very short period of time.
Volatile oils are also the way plants protect themselves and the way they communicate. In Chinese medical terms the aroma of these volatile oils is analogous to our protective energy or what is known as defensive "Qi". Therefore, essential oils therapeutically support our immune system. When an aroma is inhaled, it directly enters the respiratory system which governs our defensive Qi, further supporting our foundation/essence for inner cultivation, awareness, work and processes.
Within this great laboratory of our social system knows as Humanity, when tapping into using the tools of the Plant kingdom, we have a wonderful key to traverse the complexity of one's own personality, relationships and inter-dependent experiences. From here the purity, clarity and realization of our goals and commitments can be supported and assisted along the unique journey of each individual human being.
Essence Formula Evaluation and Prescription
In Person - 45 minutes. Includes tongue and pulse diagnosis, palpation, astrology, elemental differentiation and medical history. $90.00 Skype sessions available - 40 minutes. Includes tongue diagnosis, astrology, elemental differentiation and medical history. $75.00 Formula blend fee - Between $25 - $100 Depending on oils and absolutes needed to fulfill the blend. (I am open to using your own personal oils, if you already own the oils needed to make the blend, please inquire) Follow up Evalutions - 20 minute Skype - $30.00
*With each blend comes a customized daily point prescription for application.*